Company Profile


BeFriend Me LLC is a dynamic and innovative technology solutions company with a multicultural, multilingual, diverse and expert workforce spanning across USA, Bangladesh, France, India, Pakistan, Germany, South Africa, Japan, Philippines, Hawaii and Singapore. With a team of more than 80 highly skilled professionals, we specialize in a wide array of services, including mobile app development, game development, web development, AR & VR enabled application development, graphics design, UI/UX design, hardware engineering, installation and maintenance of fiber optics, electronic device design and manufacturing, cutting edge and highly secured server setup and maintenance, internet connectivity, database management, crypto currency development, datacenter management, 3D animation, 2D & Clay animation, and AI development.
BeFriend Me is credited by the Better Business Bureau and is also a registered trademark company.

Key Competencies

Mobile App Development

AR & VR Enabled App

Graphics Design

Hardware Engineering

Internet Connectivity

Database Management

Crypto Development

Datacenter Management

3D Animation and VFX

2D & Clay animation

UI/UX Design

AI Development

Technology Platform

Web Development

Geographical Presence

Previous Key Projects

Designed and developed the state-of-the-art BeFriend Me mobile app with advanced AR and geo-location features.

Currently developing an immersive VR training application to enhance in-house employee learning of BeFriend me.

Provided comprehensive datacenter management services for BeFriend Me and ensuring optimal performance.

Designed and developed a visually stunning 3D animation for multiple mobile games.

Conceptualized, designed, and developed an immersive third party shooting game for BeFriend Me Games.

Designed and developed the prototype of BeFriend Me controller for BeFriend Me Games.

Our Team

Our team comprises more than 80 highly skilled professionals with expertise in diverse domains which includes mobile app development, game development, AR & VR enabled application development, graphics design, UI/UX design, hardware engineering, installation and maintenance of fiber optics, electronic device design and manufacturing, cutting-edge and highly secured server setup and maintenance, internet connectivity, database management, crypto currency development, datacenter management, 3D animation, 2D and Clay animation, AI development, gaming device development, business development, startup management, finance, etc.
We have a super reliable member in our leadership who has extensive experience as a versatile actor, producer, and cultural icon, offering unique insights and creative contributions that enrich our projects with a blend of talent, innovation, and star power.
Our team also includes a top tech leader who brings invaluable expertise to our team, leveraging his extensive background in information technology, cybersecurity, and strategic leadership to enhance our technological capabilities, ensuring optimal efficiency and resilience in our operations.
Among our versatile and dynamic team members, we have licensed architects, real estate brokers, and licensed insurance brokers who all have experience providing grass-root support for dealing with socioeconomic and financial empowerment in the tri-county region of Eastern Michigan.
We have legal experts who have vast experience in corporate law, company affairs, the patent registration process, and related work.
We have an adept professional who has skills in educational leadership, strategic technology integration, and entrepreneurship, which helps us create a dynamic work environment by aligning work excellence with the latest technological trends and industry needs.

Our Certifications


Events Attended

Contact Information

BeFriend Me LLC is excited about the opportunity to contribute to any related project in Georgia, Michigan, Florida and Canada through bringing our diverse skill set and global experience to create innovative and impactful solutions.